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Friday, December 26, 2014

From the Mouth of Babes

When asked by her Daddy what was the most memorable part of her Christmas, John's niece, Ariana, responded without any prompting whatsoever about missing her Uncle Johnny.  JW, of course, missed Christmas because he was in Heaven.  She then added that she also missed her Uncle Jim who missed Christmas with Ariana and her family because he was in Mississippi visiting his family.

I've never been to Mississippi (nor have I been to Heaven) but I'm pretty sure that is an unfair comparison.

Uncle Johnny gave Ariana and her brother a tip of the hat as depicted in the lower left corner of the back cover of the annual picture books her MammaReesee & Pop gave them for Christmas.  (See below image of the front and back covers of their books -- click to enlarge.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Christmas Gift for JW & Me

For Christmas, John's mom gave me a print of a map of Adams Morgan, DC

My first reaction upon unwrapping it was how much of a kick JW would have gotten out of it.

The first home he owned is slightly to the left of dead center in the print.  His condominium was on Belmont Rd. at the corner with Columbia Rd, the heart of Adams Morgan. (Click on the following image to enlarge).

The apartment we have been living in during the week for the past 3 1/2 years is at the corner of Ontario Rd. and Ontario Pl. which can be found to the left of the top of the "A" in "Morgan."

As depicted below, the print has been hung in "John's room" in our basement.

Missing you, guy -- now and always.