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Sunday, February 27, 2011

John's Room

John, of course, lived life to the fullest. He enjoyed so many things, to include being with his family, having a good time, playing pool, listening to music -- bottom line, John enjoyed a party.

In part for all of the above reasons, the last Christmas gift John's parent got for him and his brother and sister was a pool table to enjoy when visiting Mom & Dad. Unfortunately, John didn't get to use it more than once or twice.

In addition, it was always the vision of John's Mom & Dad to create a "mini-apartment" downstairs for when the children got older and had families of their own -- thus giving everyone enough space to include yet to come grandchildren.

Well, all of the above have finally been able to be combined into a new downstairs at John's parent's place which is now configured pub-style to include a bar which is also a kitchenette. Before and after pictures can be seen by clicking on the below picture.

John's Room

All who come can enjoy themselves and get an appreciation of just how completely John lived life.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Many People Does It Take to Hang a Quilt?

It takes a family!

After months of diligent quilting by John's mom, and then waiting for the hand painted ladybug quilt hangers, and then waiting for Ariana's daddy to return from Arizona, everyone was finally together in one place to hang Ariana's quilt of fond memories of Uncle Johnny.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Johnny and the Wild Wild West

Well, John, it has been four and a half years since you, Gina and I trekked up Carr Peak in Southern Arizona. That morning, back in July 2006, your better half, Alex was not feeling well halfway through your Arizona trip that started at the Grand Canyon, included four wheeling down the Pony Express trails outside of Phoenix and ended down in Sierra Vista with a washed out fourth of July evening where the fireworks and the summer thunderstorm sounded all the same.

That day, we hiked the three mile trail up to the top where the now infamous picture of you sitting down drinking out of the camelback with a backdrop of the town 5,000 feet below was taken.

Last weekend, we hiked up Miller Peak, the slightly taller and slightly longer trek right next to Carr Peak. At the top was a very bitter sweet moment reflecting on life and the tremendous adventures you experienced in your short time on this Earth. The fullness of the last year of your life is still a benchmark I try to attain everyday.

Rest a sure, for 10 minutes on top of Miller Peak looking down at your mountain and reminiscing about the past, I was on top of the world.