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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

7th Annual Kickball & Kegger Fest

The 7th Annual Kickball & Kegger Fest honoring JW's memory was held this past weekend under near perfect weather conditions.  A good crowd turned out, especially considering the back and forth switching of the date this year.  However, contrary to rumor, the crowd size was not the reason the State of Maryland erected the signs pictured below a few miles from our home.

There were many, many highlights from the day to include this being the first ever Fest for a number of children, to include JW's namesake, John Bentley (first timers included Viola, Grayson and others).

The kickball game started out as a potential blowout but actually ended with a 13-12 score.  The play of the day was by Eric who had an unassisted double play -- a first for this series.

Entertainment was outstanding as always and included the 7th straight appearance by Gobbler's Knob featuring Stryker and Dish as well as JW's little brother Mike in his new role playing bass, as well as the more recent favorite, Your Father's Mustache from Morgantown, WV featuring Pete and newcomer Nick.

And last but not least, John's little sis, Jes, had a big shout out for her upcoming 30th birthday.

The capstone of the evening was a Guinness toast to JW's memory.  The essence of the entire day was captured so artistically by Angie in the below photo.

Photos of the entire day's festivities can be seen by clicking on the below album (with a special thanks to Barbara and Sheri).

7th Annual JW Kickball & Kegger Fest

Thursday, June 20, 2013

It Was Yesterday ... It Was 37 Years Ago

In a touch of irony, while life over the past six years has changed so radically, there is one aspect that has remained a constant, frozen in time -- my memory of you as a young 30-year-old man who had accomplished so much and who had lived life so fully but who also had so much yet to experience.

As such, in a strange sense, instead of being my eldest child -- the dean of your generation of Leonard off-spring -- you will soon become my youngest, as your little sister turns 30.

On today, what would have been your 37th birthday -- the advent of your entry to middle age -- we take solace from what has been -- how you fully lived the gift of life when you had the opportunity -- rather than focusing on the loss of what could have been.

On the anniversary of your birth, JW, thanks for the memories.  They, like you, are precious.

JW on his 30th Birthday

Sunday, June 16, 2013

37 Fathers' Days Ago

Thanks, JW, for making me a Dad for the first time having been born on Fathers' Day 37 years ago. I always said you were better than a tie.